Rush Limbaugh will not get much of my time or energy. He is not worth it. I am not shocked or disheartened by his outrageous comments about black people being angry and hateful. However, he should look in the mirror and realize that by making such remarks and whole-heartedly believing them (I am willing to bet) he is just as angry and hateful as the people he attacks.
Now, like most Americans - black, white, and occasionally blue in the face, I too denounce the actions and comments of Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. However, how can Limbaugh fix his mouth to say that black parents and children are perpetuating hate? He has gone way over the line. It is no secret that many strides have been made in terms of race relations in this country. It is also no secret that racial equality may be an intangible notion. And until one is on the negative receiving end of such inequalities, all of the empathic efforts in the world will not suffice as genuine understanding.
Rush Limbaugh seems to be in the business of associating terrorism with anything that is not white American. He makes claims across the board that negatively affect many groups. A claim has been made by Sen. Obama that Limbaugh has contributed to the rise in hate crimes against Hispanics. Rush Limbaugh stirs things up in a negative fashion constantly and I don't want to tolerate it, just as I don't want to tolerate any other hate induced speech or actions. There are many Americans who engage in despicable acts, who aim to spread hurt and hate across state and international boarders. They have to be taken as bad individuals - not poster children for the racial or religious groups that they belong to. Let's say that we were to do this - draw connections from one bad apple to the entire apple farm. Then we would have to classify white American males as having the potential to conduct terrorist activity in America. After all white American, Timothy McVeigh launched the deadliest act of terrorism in the United States before the September 11, 2001 attacks. But, in a fair and just America making this generalized statement is wrong. And what's good for the goose, is good for the gander.
"You ever ask yourself how it is that people not even born here can come here and in a few short years begin prospering in school, their own business or what have you, yet people who are born
in this country somehow have been raised to hate it, to think they're still back in the days of slavery," asks Rush Limbaugh. Well maybe he should ask himself why one who claims to be an upstanding American would dish out such broad unjustifiable notions of hate, while simultaneously claiming to oppose it?
So let's all ponder the question posed by this Time Magazine Cover....

1 comment:
Rush is a simpleton who latches onto whatever idea he thinks the right wing listeners want to hear. Rush knows his audience and plays to their ignorance. The idea of the "angry black man" is as old as the idea that all Italians are somehow connected to the mafia. To the common Rush listener, all negative stereotypes are true so long as they are not applied to republicans. History shows that white people have been reponsible for a far greater number of deaths (in wars and through genocide) than all other groups combined. It is people like Rush who seek to nurture hateful stereotypes in order to alleviate their low self esteem and self loathing. These are the dangerous ones.
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