Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am Tired - I am NOT Joe the Plumber!

I am still tired of this Joe the Plumber thing and upset that I had to watch an ad about him this morning on television! We already know that Joe the Plumber is not really Joe the Plumber...And what I mean by that is we know that Sen. Obama's tax plan would actually help the non-licensed Plumber. So I am now confused are these people in this ad saying I am what Joe the plumber represented himself as - a person banking over $250,000 who doesn't want their money to trickle down and help the little guy? Or are they also average middle class citizens who would benefit from Obama's plan?

Maybe these people should go to Obama's website and use his tax cut calculator. I did. And I was pleasantly surprised with the proposed tax cut through Obama's plan. I mean couldn't afford to pay for one graduate class with my tax savings, but at least it was something ..I would not even qualify for one under McCain's proposed plan. But, let me just say, I played around with the tax calculator and my mother and my friends with children would get a tax break under McCain's proposal, so it calculator does not just appear to automatically announce that Americans would get zero dollars under McCain's tax proposal.

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