Rumor: Obama Was Not Born in America

"His birth certificate proves Obama, shown here as a toddler with mom Ann Dunham, was born in Hawaii," according to
Rumor: McCain Calls Wife a Nasty Slur

"The story comes from a book called "The Real McCain," by Cliff Schecter, a Democratic political consultant. He cites as sources three anonymous Arizona reporters who supposedly heard the nasty word. But no other reporter has been able to replicate Schecter's sourcing," according to
Rumor: Obama Sends Money to a Kenyan Opposition Leader

"The proof of all this was supposed to be in an e-mail from Obama. The message, however, was clearly not written by a native English speaker," according to
Rumor: McCain Crashed Navy Planes

"Liberal partisans have blamed McCain, here as a young Navy pilot, for crashing as many as five planes, including one that supposedly led to the 1967 disaster on the USS Forrestal, where an explosion and fire killed 134 sailors. The claim is that McCain could have sparked the blast by engaging in a risky maneuver. But none of the contemporary investigations suggested McCain could have played any role in the tragedy," according to
Rumor: Michelle Obama Uses Racial Slurs

"Rumor has it there's a tape featuring Michelle Obama, wife of the Democratic candidate, saying nasty things about white people and referring to them as "whitey." But the former CIA operative who kept pushing this story also kept changing his description of his sources for it. No such tape has ever surfaced. Michelle Obama has directly denied using the term," according to
Rumor: McCain Insults Fellow Vacationers

"Yet another rumor maintains McCain insulted fellow vacationers during a trip to Fiji before his first run for president. Among his supposed mean deeds: Forcing people to listen to him read aloud from the works of William Faulkner. The source of the story was an e-mail that has been attributed to two different women. The editor of the left-wing newsletter CounterPunch said he concluded 'it's a phony,'" according to