Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain on “The View”

I think it’s fair to say that only recently has John McCain been more willing to grant interviews to the media. So, when a friend of mine emailed me the Sen. McCain on The View – I just had to watch.

Now, it is clear that the McCain camp is pumping Sara Palin full of answers for the prying media on various topics. But, my goodness, will someone please brief McCain on this stuff already? He really struggled to come up with a solid answer when questioned about the fashion in which Palin plans to reform Washington. This question was prompted by an interview, in which the Alaskan governor claimed that McCain picked her for her reforming abilities. But, what I loved about this interview was how well-polished, the co-hosts were when McCain gave vague answers; they chimed in with relevant tidbits of information that exposed apparent half-truths.

And Joy Behar didn’t just stop at half-truths, she asked about what she says are lies found in commercial ads (lipstick on a pig, perverse sex education) which were approved by McCain. McCain countered by saying “actually, they are not lies.” But, I see a growing trend with politicians feeling comfortable saying what an idea or a statement is not. However, they rarely say what something is. Why? Well, because it is too definitive and impossible to back out of without recanting.

John McCain more than likely will not have to worry about recanting a statement made during his interview…because he gave such glossy, glazed over answers. And once when he tired of softening his statements on Roe vs. Wade, he said “let’s move on.” I am still scratching my head on that one. Is that what he will do in office, if elected President? Will he just mumble those few words if the topic at hand is one that he chooses to evade?

But, one thing also became clear to me by watching this interview. Sen. McCain is in the business of passing the buck. He does not want to come off as the bad guy and is willing to find others to do his dirty work (decisions that will spur heated debates) for him. This is evident from his desire to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will uphold the constitution as the forefathers envisioned it. That sounds like a bucket of speculation to me. How can we know what that group of founding men envisioned, unless we revert back to the original constitution? And that reminds me John…Whatever happened to change?

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