Monday, November 24, 2008

One Story...Two Ways

So there is a definite difference in approach being taken by conservative Fox News and the liberal New York Times...Now, I know I am kind of comparing apples and oranges in terms of a television news organization and a newspaper. But, there is a stark difference here.

The New York Times uses direct quotes from President-Elect Obama to introduce it's audience to Obama's new economic team. Obama's quotes provide positive insight into the lives and qualifications of his new hires. However, Fox News takes a different approach. They stick more to the hard, cold facts and omit Obama's warm introduction of the candidates. However, Fox does include a few quotes from the man slated to become the 44th President, but they do not contain positive info about the economic team.

Fox News quotes Obama as saying of Larry Summers:
"'As a thought leader, Larry has urged us to confront the problems of income inequality and the middle class squeeze, consistently arguing that the key to a strong economy is a strong and growing middle class,' Obama said."

New York Times quotes Obama as saying of Larry Summers:
“Larry helped guide us through several major international financial crises – and was a central architect of the policies that led to the longest economic expansion in American history, with record surpluses, rising family incomes and more than 20 million new jobs. He also championed a range of measures – from tax credits to enhanced lending programs to consumer financial protections – that greatly benefited middle income families.” (They also include the portion that Fox mentioned).

Notice the use of diction. Fox notes that Summers helped to confront problems. Confronting is not the same as solving as we all know. So that word standing alone, doesn't firmly spell out success. However, with the New York Times' decision to include the full introduction - they note that Obama says he was a central architect, who championed projects.

I am not suggesting that one of these reports is better than the other. And of course one must keep in mind that the NYT is just reporting what Obama said - not that this is the truth. But, I think this serves as a clear example of how two stories can be delivered in two completely opposing fashions.

News Hounds: We watch Fox so you don't have to

So the people of News Hounds teamed up through and decided to conduct an experiment with Fox News channel.

"For approximately three months, each of us watched FNC conscientiously for five or more hours a week and posted our findings regarding Fox's self-proclaimed mission of fair and balanced reporting," writes a News Hound spokesperson in the group's manifesto. "Appalled by our results, we, who would not meet in person until months later, banded together in cyberspace in concern and outrage over the failure of American media, and Fox News in particular, to relate the news properly."

So what has this group come up with? Well, a great deal of bias reportedly being dished out by Fox News. Here are just a few examples.

According to News Hound, Dick Morris, of Fox News, invited a former Clinton advisor to discuss the possibility of Sen. Clinton being offered the Secretary of State position. But, News Hounds detected a problem with the interview. "Morris went out of his way to change the subject in order to make a fundraising pitch for the run-off candidacy of Republican Saxby Chambliss," writes a News Hound reporter.

"A Hannity & Colmes guest helped further the 'Barack Obama is a secret terrorist' meme, this time because his Attorney General nominee-to-be, Eric Holder, helped pardon a number of radicals, including a few tied to none other than William Ayers," writes a News Hound journalist. "It smacks of the failed guilt by association rhetoric of the just-ended campaign."

The reports of News Hound suggest a continual theme on behalf of Fox News... To me it appears that they have difficulty reporting a positive Democratic story and are continually looking for a slant to report on...

Fox News...Fair?

I wonder who would really benefit from the Fairness Doctrine if it were to be reinstated? While I am unsure of the answer to that question - another question comes to mind. How could such a notion be properly measured?

Well, Bill O'Reilly seems to suggests that most news media (especially NBC) is already heavily left-sided. So would that mean adding another conservative news source into the mix to balance things out?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Brought to You Buy the Computer Age...

The way in which we utilize the technology age has certainly changed... Of course you already know this, but think about it...A weekly address... available only on the Internet... from the President-Elect.

Now I don't want to blow this whole thing out of proportion, as if to make it seem as though some new technological tools are in use here- no! But, the use of the tools are changing. And I am pretty sure that we will see this administration continue to engage the American public with interactive technology. And furthermore, I expect to see other political figures doing the same. I think 2012 will be the year of the virtual election.

Moving in a Positive Direction

President-Elect Obama is moving the right direction. One prime example of this is seen in his willingness to meet with recent competitors from both sides of the aisle.

I am very pleased that Obama extended and invitation to Sen. McCain and also pleased that McCain accepted. "Advisers to both men have said that they did not expect Mr. McCain to be offered a job in the new administration," according to a New York Times Report. And I too don't see that happening. However, I cannot deny that I would be pleased to see more teamwork between Republicans and Democrats.
And the burying of the hatchet didn't start there...Obama has also met with former opponents, Sen. Clinton and Gov. Richardson of New Mexico (if you're like me, you may have forgotten about him). Although, such meetings are not out of the ordinary, I do not recall such meetings taking place 8 years ago. Therefore, to me this screams that we are moving in the right direction.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Voices Are Still Being Heard

The Obama Administration continues to encourage Americans to speak their minds and become part of the government. He emphasises this encouragement through his website

"Across the country, people are already writing to us with their advice for the Obama Administration. Nina, a single mother who is getting her doctorate while also working a full-time job in Pittsburgh, PA, hopes new policies will encourage companies to allow employees to work from home," writes an Obama spokesperson.

At this rate, I think more American people (like the now famous Joe the Plumber) will begin to feel important and start believing that their voices are truly being heard - and not just during active campaign seasons and on election night. I can only imagine that the American people appreciate direct consideration of their personal plight.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

They Are Tired Too

Gov. Palin's fellow Republicans are tired of her nonsense too! Well, it looks like Palin got her time in the sun that was denied to her on election night...too bad she pissed off other red party members.

According to the Huffington Post, CNN claims:

"Some Republican governors tell CNN they were not particularly happy with the way the Republican Governors Association press conference was executed Thursday, saying that they agreed to go as a show of GOP governors' unity -- but they ended up feeling like silent Palin supporters, since it was clearly a press conference called for her."

Give It A Rest Already Sara....

Okay, so Gov.Palin got knocked down in the 2008 fight for the White House. Well, she has since got up, dusted off her old clothing, and tossed her hat (possibly from the consignment shop that she claims is her favorite) back into the ring...I get it. I understand. I am not mad at that and never will be. But, I really wish that someone would tell her to find some new ground to cover. Can't she sit down and think of something new and fresh? Can't she focus on what positive things that she may be able to accomplish, at least until the year 2011 rolls around and she has seven children?

"[Governors make] tough decisions to best serve the people who hire us. And we are held accountable every day. The buck stops on our desk. We are not just one of many voting yea or nay or present. No. There is no present button in our office, is there? We have to make the tough decisions," said Gov. Palin, continuing to poke fun at Obama's state Senate voting record.

This topic has already been discussed time and time again! "Illinois legislators often vote 'present' and for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes blocs of lawmakers do it as a protest in some dispute over rules and procedures. Obama was often joined in his "present" votes by 10 or 20 other senators," writes an Associated Press journalist. "In other cases, lawmakers do it to signal objections to the details of a measure that they support in principle. They also use 'present' votes as strategic moves to defeat legislation or, of course, simply to avoid taking a firm position."

Now, I can understand that some people may have some issues with voting present. However, in Obama's case "he voted 'present' 129 times. That was out of roughly 4,000 votes he cast, so those "presents" amounted to about one of every 31 votes in his legislative career,"according to the Associated Press.

So what's next Sara? Ayers tomorrow? Rev. Wrong on Saturday? I can't take it anymore...If this woman is going to be around for a while - okay - just get her some new material.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"I Was Just Gonna Brag'um Up"

For some reason, I don't buy into Gov. Palin's claim that she wanted to give a speech to about the failed Republican presidential candidate. That makes no sense what so ever. I cannot imagine Palin saying - hey folks, I know ya didn't vote for'um, but he's one heck of a fella, ya sure shoulda voted for'um....Just give me a break!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Population Boost By 2010?

Well, it seems that talk is shifting from large voter turnouts to turning down the sheets, to put it lightly.

So for the first time in a long time the majority of America has gotten what they wanted in the Presidential election and that happiness has seemed to the tickle into other areas of life and not just for the average Joe's of America, but even Republicans too! Just ask Gov. Schwarzenegger, who says he has now been allowed "back into the bedroom."

" I want to have an Obama Baby. Let me be clear: I don't want to have Obama's baby, I want to have an Obama Baby. One of the thousands of babies I predict will be born somewhere around August 4th, 2009, " writes E. A. Hanks, of the Huffington Post.

August 4th just so happens to be President-Elect Obama's birthday. And I can imagine that women all over the world will be hoping that their baby cans share the birthday of this historical figure...But, let's just cross our fingers that unwed teenagers aren't jumping on the Bristol Palin plan!

Back To Normal???

So will things ever really go back to normal for Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin? I don't really think so. I believe more than ever, America will continue to keep their eyes and ears open for the failed Presidential ticket. This is only to be expected after such a tight and trans-formative election. This was not the case four years ago... No one really gave much thought to Sen. John Kerry and Sen. John Edwards returning back to their lives. I know I sure didn't and I voted for them.

So John McCain will be returning to the Senate for another 2 years, but people around the world are now scratching their heads, trying to figure out which brand Sen. McCain will attempt to bring back with him to Washington.

"Will it be the John McCain who was an enthusiastic coalition builder, deal maker and central figure in Congress, one as apt to tweak Republicans as much as Democrats? Or the John McCain who seemed so dismissive of Mr. Obama, who spent considerable time assailing the opposition rather than making his own case and who to many seemed to become what he had once disdained," wrote a New York Times journalist.

I, for one, will be interested to see whether McCain follows through on his self-proclaimed devotion to bring change to the Nation's Capitol. I hope it will not be politics as usual for him...

As for Gov. Palin, one can at the very least assume that she is back to wearing heavy clothing and hiking boots to combat Alaska's cold climate. But, what will she do now that she has returned to her home state? Many are under the impression that she will begin prepping for her Presidential run in 2012. Or will she return home and begin tackling Alaska's budgeting problem which stems from oil prices dipping "below the level required to balance the state budget?"according to the New York Times.

Well the Christian Science Monitor points out that Gov. Palin has some serious damage control to do. And I agree.

"Palin’s nonpartisan reputation is in shreds, a side effect of her role as chief attacker of Democratic rival Barack Obama. Damaged, too, is her image as ethics reformer, with questions lingering over an abuse-of-power scandal involving a feud against her sister’s ex-husband, alleged circumvention of public-records laws, concerns about state payments for her children’s travel and nights spent in her own home, and even how she acquired the haute-couture wardrobe she sported on the campaign trail," writes the Christian Science Monitor.

Gov. Palin lost a great deal of credibility during this campaign. And although it is undeniable that she continues to have supporters, I think she will first have to repair her relationship with her home state, before she can begin to even think about fostering a trusted relationship with the American people as a whole.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Comedians Continue Taking Jabs

"I would like to say one thing to John McCain," Dave Letterman said. "Listen, Senator: you don't show up for me, America doesn't show up for you."

"We're going to have to get over our nervousness about making fun of a black person. He's not a black person. He's the President," said Bill Maher. "And when we make a joke about him, we're not making a racial joke or a joke about all black people any more than when we made a joke about President Bush we were we making a joke about all mentally challenged people."

A Brighter Future for All Children - Finally!

I don't have children. But, I feel the same way...

Fox Blasts Ralph Nader

Forget Gilbert Grape. What's eating Ralph Nader? Why does he decide to go on the attack now? What good will this do him at this point?

Well...this is not the first time that Ralph Nader has made derogatory comments about Obama when race and politics are concerned. "He wants to show that he is not a threatening . . . another politically threatening African-American politician. He wants to appeal to white guilt. You appeal to white guilt not by coming on as black is beautiful, black is powerful. Basically he's coming on as someone who is not going to threaten the white power structure, whether it's corporate or whether it's simply oligarchic. And they love it. Whites just eat it up," said Nader in June as he was launching his campaign for President...I find his comment offensive to Americans in general. It is no secret that some things (certainly not all) in this country are very black and white, if you will. However, he casts a stormy cloud over the entire country all the time. He is constantly assuming the worst! So I wonder what he has to say about himself only receiving one percent of the vote...I am sure that he thinks that minorities voted blindly for Obama and the whites in America were guilt tripped...Now that's all I will say about Nader - he is just not worth my time!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Still Scared

"Sen. Obama and I have had and argued our differences, and he has prevailed. No doubt many of those differences remain. These are difficult times for our country. And I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face," McCain said in his concession speech Tuesday night.

And how did the crowd react? Angrily and bitterly...Well, this is no surprise when one considers the very serious and potentially character damaging comments that McCain and Palin made about Obama. McCain's followers are now left feeling wary, according a report by CNN.

I know that McCain said that he will work with Obama for the better of the American people and while that may be true, McCain has to consider something. His supporters may not be ready to jump on the Obama band wagon that's headed for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. McCain made very serious accusations about Obama. His team insinuated that he was a terrorist-loving liberal who was teetering on socialist. And McCain's supporters backed him as heavily as Obama supporters pushed for their candidate. So, I do believe that the proof will be in the pudding. It may take a great deal to ease some of the nervous tension felt by those who subscribed to the accusations that Obama was a Muslim among other things. Seeing Obama in action and creating policies that create tangible improvements in their lives may be the only thing that will allow McCain supporters to breath more easily. Now of course everyone will not and does not have to like the President, such is evident with President George W. Bush.




Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Different Meanings to Different Groups

Various groups had various stakes riding on the Presidential Election. Some people wanted their concerns validated, some wanted the comfort of knowing that the country is veering off the current path of economic doom, and others wanted to feel for the first time - a modern-day equality. Now, as within all groups, there are varying beliefs and value systems. However, it is undeniable that African Americans are reshaping their thoughts as a result of this election...And I can honestly say that it may take myself a few days to really digest how I feel about this personally. But, in the mean time...I am hearing interesting stories about the feelings of various groups and how they have reacted to this historic election.

Unable to Vote; Able to be Changed

Monday, November 3, 2008

Now This Is "Gotcha"

For someone who is very reserved with what she says to the media, Gov. Palin sure goes out of her way to speak to people who she should probably stay away from. We have seen this happen with Palin dishing out her policy views on the streets of Philadelphia, which she later recants because her comment opposed Sen. McCain's stance and supported Sen. Obama's.

Palin has trouble when she is questioned seriously by both reporters and civilians and she has trouble when is being made fun of...but, this time she cannot blame the Tina Feys of's the outside world poking fun at her this time. Can we afford a Vice President who never seems to have a handle on what she gets herself into?

Picking a Fight With the Media

So who started what is commonly known as the hate-hate relationship between the media and those on the Republican ticket? Well, here is one video comprised of political bloggers who give their spin on the tension between the media and McCain and his running mate. They suggest that McCain threw away a warm relationship that he spent his career building and all because the media rolled up its sleeves when it came to Sara Palin and began asking hard hitting questions.

Is this really what happened? Did the McCain cancel is lifetime subscription of friendship with the media when they chose not to play the game by his rules and accept information at face value? Well...I think this exactly what happened. There is no other way around it! Palin must put up a fight against the reports that say she is oblivious to both domestic and foreign policies and appears to be in the dark for more than just the six months that Alaskan naturally provides to its residents.

"Attack the media for questioning your VP's qualifications, and for pointing out your myriad contradictions, omissions and lies," according to a writer of the Huffington Post, this one of the classic tactics of the Republican party.

More Comfortable Faking It

So is it just me or does John McCain seem more at ease poking fun the Presidential Election than he does when delivering a speech?