So there is a definite difference in approach being taken by conservative Fox News and the liberal New York Times...Now, I know I am kind of comparing apples and oranges in terms of a television news organization and a newspaper. But, there is a stark difference here.
The New York Times uses direct quotes from President-Elect Obama to introduce it's audience to Obama's new economic team. Obama's quotes provide positive insight into the lives and qualifications of his new hires. However, Fox News takes a different approach. They stick more to the hard, cold facts and omit Obama's warm introduction of the candidates. However, Fox does include a few quotes from the man slated to become the 44th President, but they do not contain positive info about the economic team.
Fox News quotes Obama as saying of Larry Summers:
"'As a thought leader, Larry has urged us to confront the problems of income inequality and the middle class squeeze, consistently arguing that the key to a strong economy is a strong and growing middle class,' Obama said."
New York Times quotes Obama as saying of Larry Summers:
“Larry helped guide us through several major international financial crises – and was a central architect of the policies that led to the longest economic expansion in American history, with record surpluses, rising family incomes and more than 20 million new jobs. He also championed a range of measures – from tax credits to enhanced lending programs to consumer financial protections – that greatly benefited middle income families.” (They also include the portion that Fox mentioned).
Notice the use of diction. Fox notes that Summers helped to confront problems. Confronting is not the same as solving as we all know. So that word standing alone, doesn't firmly spell out success. However, with the New York Times' decision to include the full introduction - they note that Obama says he was a central architect, who championed projects.
I am not suggesting that one of these reports is better than the other. And of course one must keep in mind that the NYT is just reporting what Obama said - not that this is the truth. But, I think this serves as a clear example of how two stories can be delivered in two completely opposing fashions.