Monday, December 1, 2008

50 Days Until Inaguration

Although, there are still 50 days standing between the American people and the 44th President, one does not have to wait an amount of days equal to the number of states, to become more acquainted with the politics of President-Elect Obama thanks to .

One can learn about various Obama-Biden agendas on a variety of topics, including education - where citizens can read in detail why the new presidential team "believe that our kids and our country can’t afford four more years of neglect and indifference," according their mission statement.

Americans can read blogs about other Americans whose stories are said to taken into account by the new incoming administration.

And hey, if you are one complaining about the lack of jobs in the country - there is also a link where you can apply for a job to work along Obama and Biden.

Obama appears to be continuing his technological connection to the American public. He and his team are utilizing the Internet to connect with citizens and make them feel connected to him.

This is a smart, yet simple way to accomplish political goals. So...I see that there is a jump on Sara Palin's push for President in 2012 by a group pf her supporters.

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